(Real) Disadvantages of marrying an older women




As someone who has been through the experience of marrying an older woman, I can tell you firsthand that there are some serious disadvantages that you need to be aware of before taking the plunge.

While it might seem like a romantic notion to marry someone with more life experience, the reality is often far from ideal.

Disadvantages of marrying an older women

  • Differences in sexual desire: It’s common for women’s sexual desire to decrease as they age, while their partner’s may stay the same or even increase. This can lead to dissatisfaction and strain on the relationship. However, with open communication and a willingness to explore new ways of being intimate, couples can find a way to keep the spark alive.
  • Menopause-related issues: Menopause can cause physical changes that may make sex uncomfortable or painful for the woman, which can be frustrating for both partners. But again, open communication is key. With a little creativity and sensitivity, couples can find ways to enjoy intimacy that works for both of them.
  • Less likely to have children: If the woman is past childbearing age, the couple may not be able to have children together. This can be disappointing, but it’s important to remember that there are many ways to create a happy and fulfilling family, whether through adoption, fostering, or other means.
  • Higher risk of sexually transmitted infections: Older women may not consider themselves at risk for STIs, which can be a concern. However, practicing safe sex and getting regular STI screenings can help mitigate the risk.
  • More likely to have sexual baggage: Older women may have had more sexual partners and experiences, which can lead to emotional baggage or trauma that may affect the relationship. However, with patience, empathy, and understanding, couples can work through any issues that arise.
  • Differences in sexual expectations: The older woman may have different sexual expectations or preferences than the younger partner, leading to conflicts and dissatisfaction. But with open communication and a willingness to compromise, couples can find a way to meet each other’s needs.
  • Physical limitations: As women age, they may experience physical limitations or health issues that affect their sexual function. However, again, with patience, creativity, and a willingness to explore new ways of being intimate, couples can find a way to stay close and connected.

Her Old age’s consequences

  • Society’s negative attitudes towards relationships with significant age differences: Society can be judgmental towards couples with significant age differences, which can create social stigma, disapproval, and criticism from family and friends.
  • Imbalance of power in the relationship: The older partner may have more life experience, financial stability, and influence in the relationship, which can create a power imbalance and cause the younger partner to feel disempowered.
  • Differences in life expectancy: Statistically, women tend to live longer than men. Therefore, if you marry an older woman, there may be a greater chance of experiencing your partner’s death at a younger age, leading to emotional difficulties.
  • Feeling pressure to “catch up” to your partner’s level of maturity and life experience: The age difference in the relationship may cause the younger partner to feel pressure to catch up to the older partner’s level of maturity and life experience, leading to feelings of inadequacy and insecurity.

Challenges related to finances:

  • Potential for financial strain: Older partners may be retired and living on a fixed income, while younger partners may still be building their careers, which can create financial strain and tension in the relationship.
  • You may feel pressure to provide for your partner financially: If your partner is retired or earning less, you may feel pressure to provide for them financially, leading to feelings of stress and financial burden.
  • Differences in expectations around retirement and financial planning: If there is a significant age difference, partners may have different expectations around retirement and financial planning, leading to potential conflict.

Challenges related to family and social dynamics:

  • Criticism or disapproval from family and friends: Family and friends may disapprove of the relationship, leading to social tension and strain.
  • Your partner’s children from a previous relationship may not accept or approve of the relationship: If your partner has children from a previous relationship, they may not accept or approve of the relationship, leading to potential conflict and tension.
  • Differences in communication styles and preferences: Significant age differences can create differences in communication styles and preferences, leading to challenges in effective communication.
  • Differences in technological proficiency could create challenges in communication and shared activities: If there is a significant age difference, partners may have different levels of technological proficiency, leading to challenges in communication and shared activities.
  • Differences in religious or spiritual beliefs could create tension and conflict: If partners have different religious or spiritual beliefs, this could lead to tension and conflict in the relationship.
  • Differences in parenting styles could create tension and conflict: If partners have different parenting styles, this could

Is it advisable to marry the woman who is older than you?

Absolutely! Yes. Marrying someone older than you can bring a unique and enriching perspective to your relationship. Age is just a number and what truly matters is love, respect, and compatibility.

Plus, your partner’s life experiences and wisdom can be a huge asset in navigating the ups and downs of life together. Of course, there may be some challenges to overcome, but with open communication and mutual understanding, any obstacle can be overcome.

So, if you’ve found someone special and age happens to be a number higher than yours, don’t let that hold you back from pursuing a happy and fulfilling relationship.

Marrying to Older women in islam:




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