Category: Marriage Advice

  • Marrying a 10 year older man? 40 serious disadvantages you need to know!

    Well, hello there! Today, we’re going to talk about something that might be considered a bit controversial by some people: marrying a man 10 years older than you. First of all, let’s address the elephant in the room: age gap relationships. Yes, they exist, and no, they’re not always about gold diggers or mid-life crises.…

  • 12 Ways To Deal: When Husband Is Too Attached To His Family

    As a team, we’ve gathered valuable insights from real wives dealing with the challenge of having a husband who is overly attached to his family. Here are 12 strategies that have proven effective in navigating this situation, straight from the experiences of 12 women like you. 1. Establish Clear Boundaries Setting clear boundaries is crucial…

  • 10 Ways To Turn Your Husband On Your Side Over His Mother: Insights From 4 Wives

    As wives, we often find ourselves in situations where our husbands seem to prioritize their mothers over us. It’s a common dynamic that can lead to tension and resentment within a marriage. But fear not, fellow wives, for we’ve gathered insights from 10 experienced wives who have successfully navigated this delicate balance. Here are proven…

  • 18 Signs Your Marriage is in The Roommate Stage

    As a team, we’ve delved into the depths of relationships, gathering insights from real couples to identify unmistakable signs that a marriage may be slipping into the dreaded roommate stage. In this listicle, we present you with 18 blunt signs that your marriage might be losing its spark, along with straight-to-the-point advice from the couples…

  • 4 Ways to Transition Out of the Roommate Phase in Marriage: Insights from 4 Couples

    We’ve done some serious digging and talked to four couples who have successfully navigated their way out of the dreaded “roommate phase” in marriage. If you’re finding yourself stuck in this rut, worry not! We’ve got some concrete insights that might just be the game-changer you need. 1. Communication is NOT Optional First things first…

  • 15 Ways to Deal With a Gambler Husband

    Hey there, folks! Welcome back to our cozy little corner of the internet. Today’s topic is one that might hit close to home for some of you – dealing with a gambler husband! Now, we know that love comes with its ups and downs, but when it comes to gambling, things can get a bit…

  • 25 Reasons Why You Should NOT Marry a Gambler

    Hey there, lovebirds and internet wanderers! Today, I’m here to talk about a topic that might make you chuckle or even roll your eyes – why marrying a gambler might not be the best idea. Now, before you call me a party pooper or a love guru, hear me out! I promise this post will…

  • 15 Things to Know Before Marrying a Girl Who Had Plastic Surgery

    Hey there, lovebirds and curious minds! Today, we’re diving into a hot topic – marrying a girl who has had plastic surgery. Now, hold your horses; we’re not here to judge or criticize anyone’s choices. Plastic surgery is becoming more common, and people decide to go under the knife for various reasons. But before you…

  • 15 Things to Know Before Marrying a Disabled Person

    Hey there, lovebirds and curious minds! So, you’ve found yourself head over heels for a person with a disability and thinking about tying the knot? That’s fantastic! Love knows no boundaries, and it’s all about finding the right person to share your life with, no matter what. But, before you take that plunge, let’s chat…

  • 10 Reasons to Marry If You Are Depressed: Let Love Light Up Your Life!

    Hey there, fellow wanderers in the realm of love and life! Today, we’re diving deep into a topic that might raise a few eyebrows: marriage when you’re feeling blue. Yep, you read that right! While it might sound unconventional, tying the knot could be just the spark your life needs, especially when the clouds of…