25 disadvantages of being short girl




Hey there, fellow vertically challenged ladies! As someone who barely reaches 5 feet tall, I know all too well the struggles that come with being a short girl.

Don’t get me wrong, there are definitely some perks to being petite, but there are also quite a few disadvantages.

So let’s dive into all the ways being short can be a pain in the butt (or rather, in the neck).

1. Can’t reach things on high shelves

Ah yes, the classic struggle. You spot something you need on the top shelf at the grocery store and have to either ask for help or climb up like a monkey to retrieve it.

2. Always needing a step stool

This ties into number one – if you’re constantly struggling to reach things around your home or office, you’ll likely need to invest in a step stool.

3. Hemming pants/skirts/dresses

Finding clothes that fit off the rack is already tough enough as it is, but when you’re short you often have to hem everything so it doesn’t drag on the ground.

4. Looking younger than you are

Shortness can make you appear more youthful than your actual age which can be frustrating when people don’t take you seriously because they assume you’re much younger.

5. Trouble seeing over crowds/finding friends in public places

Concerts and festivals can be particularly difficult when everyone around you is taller and blocking your view. And when trying to find friends in crowded spaces? Good luck.

6. Can’t comfortably sit in certain chairs/cars/buses

Ever try sitting in a chair where your feet don’t touch the ground? It’s not exactly comfortable. The same goes for cars and buses where sometimes your legs just won’t fit how they should.

7. Always needing to adjust car seat height

This is a minor annoyance but having to constantly adjust your car seat height depending on who drove last can be annoying.

8. Feeling like you have to prove yourself more

As mentioned earlier, being short can often make people assume you’re younger or less capable than you actually are which can lead to feeling like you need to work harder to prove yourself.

9. Limited options for certain jobs/activities

Some careers and activities require a certain height minimum which can limit your options if you’re on the shorter side.

10. People using your head as an armrest

This one speaks for itself.

11. Being overlooked in crowds

It’s not uncommon for people to overlook those who are shorter when trying to navigate through crowded spaces or find someone they’re looking for.

12. Constantly being mistaken for someone else

Similarly, when people aren’t paying close attention they may mistake you for someone else – particularly if that person is also short.

13. Looking awkward in group photos

Trying to stand next to taller friends or family members in group photos can result in some pretty awkward poses.

14. Needing alterations on all formal wear

Formal dresses and gowns often come with long hemlines and sleeves that need alteration when you’re shorter than average.

15. Difficulty reaching pedals while driving

For shorter individuals, it can be tough to reach the pedals while driving without having the seat pushed up uncomfortably close to the steering wheel.

16. Limited selection of shoes in smaller sizes

If you have small feet (as many short women do), finding stylish shoes in your size can be a challenge at times.

17. Getting lost in large crowds

When everyone around you is taller, it’s easy to lose sight of where you are in large crowds or gatherings.

18. Always needing help reaching things at home

From lightbulbs that need changing to items stored high up in closets, being short means needing assistance with certain tasks around the house.

19. Constantly feeling small

While it’s a minor issue, constantly being reminded of your height can make you feel like you’re not as capable or important as those around you.

20. Difficulty seeing while driving in rain/snow

Being shorter means having to look through the bottom part of the windshield which can be tricky when it’s raining or snowing and water droplets or snowflakes are blocking your view.

21. Limited legroom on airplanes

Flying can be uncomfortable for anyone but when you’re short and have limited legroom, it’s even worse.

22. Feeling like a child at times

Whether it’s being carded at bars or having people talk down to you, there are times where being short can make you feel like a child rather than an adult.

23. Clothes often don’t fit properly

Even when clothes are marketed as petite sizes, they don’t always fit perfectly since everyone’s body shape is different.

24. Having difficulty seeing over steering wheel/dashboard

Similar to number 15, if the car seat isn’t adjusted correctly, it can be tough to see over the steering wheel and dashboard while driving.

25. Struggling with intimidation in certain situations

Lastly, being shorter than others (particularly men) can lead to feeling intimidated in certain situations which can be frustrating and limiting.

According to a study conducted by Oxford University, taller individuals tend to earn more money on average than their shorter counterparts due to perceived characteristics such as leadership ability and confidence levels. While this may not directly impact daily life for most people, it highlights some of the ways height bias exists in our society.


Q: Is there anything good about being short?
A: Absolutely! Being able to easily fit into tight spaces or shop in kids sections for cheaper clothing are just a couple examples of perks of being petite.

Q: Can short girls still model?
A: Yes! While there are certain height requirements for high fashion modeling, there are plenty of opportunities for petite models in other areas such as commercial or fitness modeling.

Q: Will my height impact my health?
A: Height itself doesn’t necessarily impact overall health but it’s important to make sure you’re still getting the proper amount of nutrients and exercise regardless of your height.

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